
Monday, August 19, 2024

Invading Russia

It’s darn interesting to listen to Russians complain about being invaded by Ukraine. They are astonished that in this day and age one country can just go out and invade another. The lack of self awareness is astonishing. Then again it’s not like Russia has a monopoly on people blinded by propaganda. 

Ordinary Russian citizens are still vacationing in Crimea. Never mind that popular beaches are right next to military targets. Never mind that stray munitions have killed people on the beach. I’m not sure if this is an example of propaganda, normalcy bias, or a mix of the two. 

There’s a lot of speculation on why Ukraine is invading. I’m not privy to Ukrainian strategic thinking. There are probably a lot of reasons. The invasion is drawing more experienced troops from other areas of the front. They’ve captured a lot of very young conscripts for future prisoner exchanges. Supply lines are disrupted. A tremendous amount of political pressure is on Putin. 

One item not too many analysts are talking about is the effect on agriculture. The lands being occupied are the most productive in Russia. Most of Russia has poor soil and climate but the Kursk region is an exception. It’s harvest time and a significant amount of grain won’t be going to market. 

There’s one thing I’m asking myself: where are the F-16 jets? The jets that have been used in the invasion appear to be their old Soviet era planes. So where are the new jets? Are they holding them back for another operation? 

On thing for sure, the invasion changes a lot of political thinking. Russians are waking up to the fact that war goes both ways and it’s not pretty. Putin better have a food taster and stay away from open windows.



  1. Replies
    1. Wow, what a typo! Thanks for pointing that out.

  2. Time will tell.

    Did you figure out how to properly filter out dust and keep it powered?

    1. It helps to have a solar electric system with decent battery backup.

    2. Ah, not anon this time? Weird, same computer same day two results.

      6 Bears Russians are quite aware of the war. Seems they've been under artillery-missiles and drone attacks all paid for by the good ole USA.

      NATO is a fig leaf. They do nothing without Uncle Sam telling them and Paying them to do it.

      You should pray for Putin's continued good health, friend. He's the only reason you and I haven't gotten some extra sunrises in the past what, 18 months?

      Radioactive dust per civil defense, you need a minimum of 14 days protection, the filter will become quite radioactive so I suggest distance from living quarters and as much high mass shielding you can do.

      Having a way to dispose of that highly radioactive filter quickly as to reduce your exposure in a deep hole is suggested. Then bury it as the gamma particles will outlive you and I.

      All for the GLORY of Ukraine!

  3. 6 Bears feel free to delete but from a source I've found reliable about many things over the decades.

    SNIP Russian patience may have reached its limit. The Ukrainian incursion into the Russian region of Kursk, complete with troops on the ground, including foreign “mercenaries”, marks a dangerous escalation by the United States and NATO. I liken it to the attempt in Godfather II to murder Michael Corleone in his Lake Tahoe compound. It is one thing to take a shot at the Godfather on a public street. It is a whole different matter to bring it to his home and family.

    While it is true that Ukraine has been killing Russian civilians for more than two years with Western supplied HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles, the latest operation in Kursk represents something more dangerous and, from the Russian perspective, unforgivable. The failure of the West to comprehend the Russian paranoia about Western invaders, is likely to spur Russia to change the tactics and tempo of the war."

    Russians still have people alive that remember the Germans last visit to Kursk.

    As we still have nukes and wave them in the world face with yearly public missile "Tests" (Want Links?) Putin has to proceed as carefully as you and I act around a buzzing hornets nest.

    But eventually the hornets nest gets the spray.
