
Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Lysteria Shuffle

Lysteria bacteria is a pretty nasty food contaminant. There’s been a lot of food recalls recently. Cold cuts with lysteria is a more recent one.

I went into my local grocery store the other day. The deli counter was shut down. All meats had been thrown out. The deli section was isolated from the rest of the store using big heavy plastic sheets. There was a sign about how they take customer safety seriously. They were in the middle of a deep clean. 

Seeing the empty shelves gave me a flashback to the pandemic when certain foods were unavailable. However, just like then, there are work arounds. Fortunately I have a fair bit of canned meats in storage. It also isn’t that hard to cut up roast chicken into sandwich meats. 

If it was just me I’d be perfectly happy to live mostly on vegetable proteins. It’s not that practical right now as someone in my household has to eat a low fiber diet. Believe it or not, some people have digestive issues from fiber. That person normally eats most of the cold cuts that come in the house. 

There seems to be a lot more news stories about contaminated foods recently. I guess we even have to worry about heavy metals in chocolate. That’s just one more example. Fortunately my weekly stops at the local farmers’ market keeps us well supplied with good food. It really helps to know the farms where you food comes from. 

At least none of them have lysteria issues.



  1. Before Sunday this week, Hannaford has 99 cents pound whole chickens. After that bone in pork roast 99 cents pound.

    If you use the carcass and slow cook the pork you get awesome soup-stew base.

    Local food is awesome, but commercial sources are much cheaper. I can sell a started pullet and buy 3-4 grown whole chickens ready to cook or freeze, so...

    1. I'm cooking for three different restricted diets these days. Good fun trying to cook something everyone will eat.

      Right now I'll suck it up and buy local until I'm sure of the longer supply chains.
