
Sunday, August 25, 2024

In the dark without glasses

On the spur of the moment my lovely wife and I decided to go fishing in the evening. We were supposed to meet up with friends but my buddy threw his back out. So much for that. He called just as we were about to start the car.

We decided to drive to a nearby lake that we hadn’t been to in a while. The place was empty. It’s a beautiful lake nestled in the mountains. The only cottages on the lake are on the other side in a private compound. 

I keep a couple of compact fishing poles in the back of the car just in case we feel the need to do some fishing. By then it was starting to get dark. It was great fun trying to tie fishing line in the dark without my reading glasses. Apparently the fingers remember what to do and it didn’t take too long to set up both poles. 

Did we catch anything? Naw, but it was a beautiful evening. The loons were doing their crazy calls and we watched the stars come out. 

Sometimes the best experiences are spontaneous. 
