
Monday, July 24, 2023

Planning during the summer

So what am I doing during the summer heat? Planning for winter, of course. What else are you going to do in the summer?

One of my projects has been moved near the top of the list. The basement needs better insulation. It’s one of those things I’ve put off for some time. Back when I was spending the bulk of the winter doing the snowbird thing it didn’t matter. 

Most of last winter it wasn’t a big deal. Then we got some windy sub -20 F days. That froze my water line. I have a procedure to thaw it out, but I’d like to avoid that if possible. 

Another thing I’ve been doing is pricing out battery powered snow blowers. A good friend of mine has the large two stage Toro. He’s been very pleased with it. Considering he has a very long driveway in Maine his opinion matters. After researching a lot of battery powered blowers the Toro two stage seems the way to go. Anything cheaper is waste of money. The Toro is also attractive to me as it takes the same size battery as my chainsaw.

Sure, gas machines are cheaper, but I hate the noise and stink. In general I avoid gas powered tools as they send my sensitive lungs into coughing spasms. Not good. 

I’m also tempted to build a fishing shack to haul out on the ice. I kinda miss ice fishing and good shelter makes all the difference. 



  1. sixbears lives so far north he has four seasons...
    july, august, september, and winter.
    i know, that joke is almost as old as i am.

    1. About like we have four days of winter here and the rest is summer ! This summer being especially brutal , I might add !!

    2. The correct Northern NH seasons are in this order: Mud Season, Spring, Mud Season, Summer, Mud Season, Winter, and repeat. Autumn is just a genetic memory.

  2. Biggest issue I have with battery powered anything. As a confirmed prepper and user of cordless devices. The shelf life of batteries is relatively short. Even lithium , for sure ni cad and lead acid. At least you can store lead acid relatively long term , so long as they are stored without acid and sealed against atmosphere.
    Face it , as far as batteries go . We are screwed once the grid goes down.
    At least at our age bear, if we start the apocalypse with new cells . We may pass before the batteries fail

    1. Batteries are getting better but I hear you. I'm still running my house on lead as it's still the best deal for something that doesn't move. Tools are all lithium, but quality of batteries varies between companies. I've gotten good service from Dewalt and Toro.
