
Sunday, July 16, 2023


It looks like UPS will go on strike. If you need anything delivered in a timely manner get it right now. This a good time to check your stored items and fill in any gaps. We’ve gotten used to having everything delivered right to our door. Living out in the country the UPS truck is often a welcome sight. 

Some of the slack will be picked by other carriers. Expect delivers to take longer and cost more. There is only so much slack in the system. 

While it’s inconvenient, I’m supporting the strikers. UPS drivers have a high pressure job and put in long hard hours. Their days are micromanaged and that’s always annoying. 

Of course, living out in the sticks it’s not like we get next day shipping. What takes about a day in the city takes about a week to get to me. Actually, my last order was delayed an additional four days on top of that. That was caused by, “Natural Disasters.” Apparently one of their shipping hubs got hit pretty hard by the storm system that caused all those issues in Vermont. 

Much depends on how long the strike lasts. Keep in mind that uncertainty is already causing delays. It’s not just the stuff that comes to your house either. Your mechanic might not be able to fix your car because the parts aren’t being shipped. Lots of things happen with shipping behind the scenes. 

Anyway, just a heads up.



  1. I hope you're watching the weather channel this morning 6 Bears.

    They are calling for 3 inches an hour rain here. And from the path heading up your way friend.

    No reason to drive anywhere. Have sympathy for those that have to for work, less for joyriders who could have stayed home and not gotten that pack of cigarettes or a burger because they were bored.

    1. It's a wet one, that's for sure. No need to leave town.

  2. If the government was in charge, UPS trucks would be getting A/C in about 6 years, starting with Alaska and working their way south.

    1. USPS has good reason to strike too. Just saying.

  3. If enough strike it will be a default "Going Gault" and pretty soon pharmacies and hospitals will be quite aware of the lack of daily resupply of meds.

    There is only so much "Slack" in the rest of the delivery services to take up the newly added demands.

    1. If I was a union head I'd be trying to coordinate an industry wide strike. That's how things get done in a hurry. It's harsh, but so is Capitalism if left unchecked.

  4. My initial reaction was to abstain from ordering much of anything in solidarity with the union. On further reflection I've decided to hold off until the strike begins to order anything and everything I need for the foreseeable future just so the management types that have to fill in for the rank and file folks get a taste of just how hard the job really is. That and to give the bean counters in the back room indigestion when they calculate how much revenue the competition is benefiting from the strike.

  5. I just found out that the USPS is picking up allot of the slack while UPS is on strike. Things are being delivered by mail that used to go the other.
