
Sunday, July 9, 2023

That Hippy Look

My lovely wife and I were having burgers in town. A couple of the Rainbow Gathering people were also picking up something to eat. They took a good look at my long hair, beard, floppy hat, and asked if I was with the gathering. 

“No, I said,” I’m local, I just look like this.” 

To be fair, it’s not the first time I was mistaken for a Rainbow person. That’s fine. We had a nice chat and I was able to point to a good place to get coffee. 

The event is wrapping up and most people are heading out. I could see them in restaurants and stores in the area. No doubt they gave the local economy a bit of a boost. 

There were a number of arrests during the event. At least half of them were thrown out in court. The Forest Service was going out of their way to cause trouble. Frankly, I was concerned about the overbearing law enforcement presence that the influx of Rainbow people. The vast majority of other charges were things like not using directionals and minor weed violations. 



  1. Geez all that happened in one of the ten freest states in America.

    1. So everyone else is really screwed.

    2. LOL do you really think that human kindness is only a "liberal " thing?

      Do you ASK folks their politics and if they are Christians before accepting their help?

      Those nice Mexicans you mentioned helping your sailboat were likely to be as conservative as you can get. Catholic and vote Republican as the hyperliberal Democrat party continues to forget "Its For the People " roots for Big business Wars.

      Democrats USED to Protest AGAINST War. Now they seek out conflicts to promote "Our Democracy "

      Research shows that conservative people give more money and time to charity events and hospitals like Shriners (a VERY Conservative group).

      That's why charity's aim their fundraising at church going conservative people.


    3. I never said charity is a liberal thing. However, meanness has become a conservative thing of late. When did they flip from being for personal freedom to telling everyone how to live?

    4. "When did they flip from being for personal freedom to telling everyone how to live?"

      You mean the "RIGHT" to murder a child up to AND INCLUDING Actual Birth?

      WHAT the HELL did that Kid do to you?

      Did you fail to NOTICE Birth Control is FREE at way too many easy to get to sources?

      You mean "Use MY Pronouns or I sue you"?

      Bake my Penis Cake or I'll mob you out of business?

      I can easily get you links for all the above and more if you like.

      Yeah, a "Conservative" thing.

      Lay with the dogs get the fleas. The whole LBG+++ is a liberal thing.

      The recent survey of conservatives said they really don't care what the gay population does IN the bedroom, most never did.

      I've worked with many gay soldiers and civilians in the hospital setting. As long as they didn't discuss their bedroom stuff and were good at their job, WHO CARED?

      I DON'T Discuss MY Bedroom antics; it was called Sexual Harassment.

      I don't grab my crotch or my wife's boobs in public.

      Now it's their "RIGHT" to do it in public and mob punish you if you disagree??

      Conservatives CARE A LOT about semi and fully nude men dancing down the streets for "The children". Drag Queen (and records show what a MASSIVE % of those Drag Queens are listed pedophiles) having children "Book Readings".

      Yep, I could send you links to police reports about those Drag Queens getting arrested again with kiddies after the book readings.

      I could go on for days about the current QUITE Liberal government spending way too much time telling me exactly how I should live or get punished.

      But 6 Bears you keep forgetting I'm an American NOT a political partisan, I despise BOTH WINGS of the Carron Bird that is eating up my REPUBLIC.

    5. We have big business buying up politicians of all stripes and that hurts our democracy as much as anything.

  2. 6 Bears all I ask of people is to be GOOD NEIGHBORS.

    Don't rob me or mine, don't shoot at me and mine, maybe help each other shovel snow.

    Don't make your Sexuality the MOST Important thing in your life and rub it in my face 24-07 with lawsuits and such.

    Beyond that have a wonderful life and maybe I'll even invite you over for BBQ.

    Is that too much to ask for?

    1. Many moons ago your neighbors where your kin. When I was a kid, depending on the day I might wake up in a different house every night.

  3. You're not going to recognize me when you see me, I cut my hair off. 80)
