
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

That Time Already

Looks like hurricane season is already heating up -as if the tornadoes recently haven’t been bad enough. 

At least there’s usually a little more warning with hurricanes. This might be a good time to check your preps and make sure you have what you need. Better to fill in any gaps now and beat the the rush to the store. 

So what if you don’t live on the coast? That doesn’t mean you won’t be affected. Hurricane Sandy did extensive damage to Vermont of all places. Heavy storm rains washed out many roads. Whole communities were isolated. 

There’s also a major Gulf Coast pipeline that supplies fuel all the way to the Northeast. That’s something to keep in mind. Personally it’s time for me to replace my backup fuel. 

If a major hurricane or three impacts Florida it could totally wipe out what’s left of its insurance industry. If you think living in Florida has gotten expensive lately, you ain’t seen nothing yet. 

Even if you live in North Dakota you might want to be concerned. When it comes right down to it we are all Americans and all in this together. 



  1. Are we? Despite the fact that NY congressmen invariably vote to provide disaster relief to Texas, Texas congressmen regularly vote against relief for disasters like Sandy that affect NY and NJ.

    1. We would do well to remember we are one nation.

  2. Yeah that's what thirty years of Rethuglican governorship has given us. Jack the rates to protect all the fat cats that live on the water.
    My house has been through a ton of hurricanes and not one claim. Yet the rates keep climbing.
    Really should be exclusions for exceptions to those idiots with a view.

    1. It's stupid expensive, unfair to the little guy, and only going to get worse.

  3. How's that war on poverty going?

    Neither wing of the great carrion bird of the Uni-party cares about you, they just "Play Fight" to give us peons a thrill of "Sticking it" to the OTHER SIDE.

    Until you realize Carlin was right "Its a Big Club" and you and I are not in it". You're just selling your vote to support the "Current Media THING".

    It's not Sports ball it's your Tax dollars getting misused. You know 6 bears those years of working as a fireman taxes and such.

    Don't be divided but learn who really will show up with a snowplow to get your driveway cleared, who really shows up with a tool box when your scooter-SUV needs a cheap repair.

    Trust me, it will NOT be a Democrat Leadership, nor a Repug Leadership. It just might be the neighbor you disagree about politics about who shows up to help.

    1. Sadly, some problems are too big to solve with a neighbor's help and a couple of beers. There are issues that cross state lines and country borders. Unfortunately, the structure we have to deal with those big issues is big government -like it or not.

      I'd rather have a war on poverty than a war against poor people.

    2. 6 bears, ever feed stray cats? Ever set food out for the bears?

      Do I need to point out how many laws were written that ENCOURAGED folks NOT to be Married as they wouldn't get government cheese?

      Do I need to write about the many fatherless youths that are making up some 99% of our "Gun Violence" with events every day. Take a gander at the Juneteenth "Holiday" shootings in every major city.

      Somebody far smarter than I said, "The path to Hell is paved with good intentions".

      We are LIVING the results of decades of vote buying via " Charity" and it shows.

    3. Michael, do you own any guns? If so, for what purpose?

  4. "Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

    Asset Forfeiture anybody? Just because it hasn't happened to YOU yet doesn't make it a problem that continues to grow every year. Plenty more Big laws we could add to that list.

    When we followed the constitution a bit closer, we avoided "European Entanglements" under that idea of

    “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none”
    ― Thomas Jefferson

    But then came "Remember the Maine" to start creating the American Empire by adding weak Spain's old colonies overseas like the Philippines and such.

    Once we were a Republic and now, we are an overbearing warlike and now failing Empire.
    Once we had but a few easily understood laws but now whole libraries of them. I heard Rome did such things.

    I'm an amateur historian, fascinated by how law-abiding Germans could go along to get along with their neighbors hauled away by police backed up by soldiers.

    How SEE Something, SAY Something made East Germany into a socialist controlled Police State.

    How Hyperinflation in Germany was related to the overall "Great Depression" across the whole globe.

    How Rome stumbled and fell because of BREAD and Circuses (VOTE BUYING and Mob appeasing) " Bread and circuses " (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement.

    Fascinated but I DID NOT WANT TO SEE THEM PLAYING OUT in Real Time in my lifetime.

    I fear for my Children and their children.

  5. Michael, you're suffering from allot of anxiety over things that are way out of yours, mine, or any other regular guys power to control. Here's recipe, Breathe in the nose, Out the mouth with each out breath relax and let it all go. Eventually your tolerance for other peoples stupid-ness will grow, including my own, and things will make better sense. Peace comes in small spurts.
