
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What we know

Trump had a brief stint in court. There wasn’t any rioting in the streets. To me it looked like a tired old man doing something he didn’t want to do. There were supporters. I assume some of that crowd was supporters. For a while there it mostly looked like press. Trump’s arrest appeared pretty low key. Had it been you or me law enforcement would have broken our door down in the night and hauled us away in chains. We wouldn’t be walking around free either, but that’s our two tier justice system for you.

There’s something else big going on that we have limited information about. That’s the war in Ukraine -and Russia, apparently. Most of the information coming out is from the Russian side, so we know how unbiased that is. It will take some time for us to discover what’s really going on. However, it looks like Russia lost an important general and that says a lot. 

There was a term my journalist friends used to use.

“Feeding the beast.”

No matter what brilliant bit of reporting you did yesterday, it doesn’t matter today. Today you need something new to feed the beast. That was bad enough in the slow days of newspapers. Now with a 24/7 news cycle the beast is always hungry. The quality of reporting suffers. That’s why so little of what’s on “news” channels is actual news. There’s a lot of speculation, analysis and opinions. Facts? Those are in limited supply. 

Then again the facts matter. It’s just we’ll have to deal with a lot of dirt before we get to a few flakes of gold.



  1. My sailing friends were forever saying that I was missing out on much , by refusing to sail down to Cuba with them. They really just didn't comprehend the oath I signed off on never visiting a communist country. I took that oath very seriously.
    Not once was I ever tempted to remove SCI materials off-site back in the day.
    Apparently Mr. Trump thinks he is above those same rules.
    Yeah no doubt if you or I , ever tried this we'd be buried under the prison.
    tRump is a special kind of Moron I guess

    1. People have risked life and limb to gather those secrets. Some have died. People are now at risk. He doesn't care about things like that, apparently.

      Oaths matter.

    2. Oaths matter indeed. Would you treat Hillary's non government approved home server and destroying official emails the same?

    3. I recall that the embassy personnel all died on Hillarys watch as Secretary of State.

    4. I see good old Soviet Whataboutism is still in vogue.

    5. Why not? Because it points out how noble and honest both sides of the uni-party really is

  2. Truth is we have a very biased legal system. If everybody was treat equal in the eyes of the law, I'd think all is well.

    Some inconvenient facts

    I could drop about a dozen before I'd start on similar ones on Biden and bribes and his lovely son fronting for the Big Buy and 10% and so on.

    But do please continue to Emmanel Goldstein that bastard Trump and ignore the sewer that our legal system has become.

    For the short of memory (or more likely selective memory) In the course of daily life in Oceania, Goldstein is always the subject of the Two Minutes Hate, a daily programme of propaganda that begins at 11:00 hours; the telescreen shows an over-sized image of Emmanuel Goldstein for the assembled citizens of Oceania to subject to loud insults and contempt. To prolong and deepen the anger of the spectators, the telescreen then shows images of Goldstein walking among the parading soldiers of the current enemy of Oceania — either Eurasia or Eastasia. The Two Minutes Hate programme shows Goldstein as both an ideological enemy of the Ingsoc régime of The Party and a traitor aiding the national enemy of Oceania.[4]

    Yes, your CORRECT 6 Bears America HAS Sovietized many things.

    As Pogo said "We have met the enemy and He is US".

    1. We aren't the Enemy. He who lies to us is the Enemy. Remember the end of 1984, the truth liberated the masses.

    2. Goodness you must have a lot of enemies John. Could you please provide a list of "Honest Politicians " for us idiots to vote for?

      I fear the masses don't want to be free. Individual responsibility is too much like work.

    3. Well, the thing about my enemies, only a few close friends know the answers... 80)

  3. John, I looked up my copy of 1984

    The Truth "Liberated the Masses"?

    Last Paragraph is Winston Smith DEFEATED by the Party; He LOVED BIG BROTHER.

    Snip: On the last page of 1984, it says, "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother." What does this mean? How has he won over himself?
    The quotation on the last page of George Orwell's 1984 in which it says "he had won the victory over himself" is highly ironic. He has won no victory except in the Party's eyes, for the Party now controls him. Winston himself has suffered a personal defeat, for he is no longer an independent thinker. His love for Big Brother is also ironic, for it is not true love, which requires freedom, but rather fear and submission.

    EXPLAIN YOURSELF oh Honorable one.

    1. Michael, Accusing me of being Honorable? Stand across from me. How honorable then? After all we are all Rats in a box, 1984,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
